An Ode to My Friends: I Miss You Already

It’s finally happened. After weeks of meticulous planning, months of hard saving and years of dreaming we would be on the road again, the time Is here. Yesterday we bid farewell to our little home in Nottingham, with its freshly painted walls and sparkling clean surfaces, carrying only our rucksacks on our backs. (And, if I’m honest, quite a lot of Asda carrier bags containing all those precious bits and bobs that we had forgotten about – to give to my mum at St Pancras.) So we kind of looked like overloaded turtles/bag ladies as we waddled out the house for the last time. (Matty was especially working the bag lady look).

Make no mistake, our backpacks are ram packed. I have a year’s supply of asthma inhalers, contact lenses, trekking gear and a minute amount of clothes. But sadly, the one thing I wanted to take most of all – the one thing I that’s been hardest to leaving behind – does not fit in my bag.

My friends and family. The people that have made the last six years the truly fabulous years they have been. Painting over the graffiti wall on our landing (pictured above), which was full of messages from our loved ones, was definitely the hardest part of getting the house ready to let. So before I fill this blog with the world… in words, I want to just say thank you to the people who have made my world what it is today.

Here’s a few snaps from our very lovely leaving dos:












As my mother recently wrote on a friend’s Facebook post: “She will miss her friends so much.” And I will… More than even my hardest goodbye hugs could convey.

Keep in touch, much love xx

5 thoughts on “An Ode to My Friends: I Miss You Already

  1. Missing you too, what a lovely post 🙂 Hope the next one makes me green with envy about the awesomeness of Paris, night trains, Munich etcetcetc!! Love you xxx

  2. D you’ve made me go all mushy! You have amazing family and friends, but it takes two fairly special people to bring them all together. Travel safe x x

  3. Wherever you are in the world, whatever the time, you will always miss the special people in your life. But you know what they say, (and it’s true by the way), you carry them all with you every day and distance and time stands still as when you next speak, it will be like you were never apart.

    Stick together and make your dreams happen. Your friends and family wouldn’t change you guys for the world…

    Can’t wait to read about the adventures to come!


    • Awwww, thanks guys. You guys are the best! In fact I wish I had the three of you here in Salzburg with me… Imagine how much fun we would have on the Sound of Music tour 🙂 much love xx

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